The state of Super Multi
Hey! I haven't posted here in a while, but I've been changing up a bunch of stuff around my web presence recently: I've established 12bit club as kind of a hub site for all my game-related stuff, plus 12bit repository as a place of documentation of many of my various items (sort of like what I was doing with Super Multi Notes before maintaining a whole ass mediawiki became a bit much)
So where does that leave this very site, supermulti dot org? The plan is that everything here will eventually get folded into 12bit club at some point or another, this blog will become a subdomain of that site, the Super Multi Notes content will be brought over to 12bit repository, and everything will... eventually become a bit more consolidated ... maybe.
I'm posting this little update right now because I'm intending to get back on blog posting on here (I even have one lined up, like, right now!), but I want to transfer the blog across to 12bit club before I do that. In the meantime you can follow me at @taizou_hori on Twitter if you would like sporadic updates on what I'm up to combined with a lot of posts about how I'm gay and whatever. Be back soon!